You May Not Be Aware That Your Business Is Entitled to a $250K Refund Check

There Are Ways To Uncover the Hidden Errors and Significant Overcharges on Your Commercial Energy Bill

Every month, your business pays its utility bill. The bill is received; the bill is paid. But do you know what to look for to see if there are errors, or if you’ve been overcharged?

An experienced team of energy bill auditors can scrutinize your bill, discover errors and overcharges, and get you a full refund. All the extra funds you may have sent to local utility companies throughout the years can be recovered. It is never too late to submit these refund requests! There are NO UPFRONT FEES to get started.

Two ways businesses can receive money and/or start saving money:
FOUND MONEY – Errors and overcharges are discovered on historical invoices.
FUTURE MONEY – Current invoice(s) may contain errors and your business is continuously overcharged. If the overcharges are not rectified on the future invoice(s), your business will continue to overpay the utility.

How do you begin the bill recovery process for your business?
● Contact a Vantage Energy representative to speak with an experienced auditor. Email
● There are no risks or fees to get started. Just provide Vantage Energy with a copy of your company’s most recent Gas, Electric, and/or Water Bill(s) for your business. If you have more than one business location, please provide us with the bills for each location.
● Supply your auditor with your Company Name and Federal Tax ID number corresponding to each account.
● Sign and send a Letter of Authorization (LOA) for each account.
● Return the signed bill recovery agreement.
● We get to work; discover the errors, reach out to our utility company contacts, and get you a refund check.

Vantage Energy, a division of Vantage Etc. founded by entrepreneur Nick Capano in 2003, has recovered $250,000+ by finding errors on energy bills for some of the most renowned national and global corporations. Vantage Risk Management, another division of Vantage Etc., creates innovative employee benefits packages for large corporations and businesses with up to 30,000+ employees. For more information, email,